Friday, February 11, 2011


I am back up to 194. I think I need to work on exercising more. This is starting to get really frustrating.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Next Step

So beyond just weight loss, I want Leann Rimes abs. It's time to take that next step and start working on those abs. I found a decent article on yahoo with ab workout recommendations. Hopefully in a few weeks, I can share a photo update with you.

Week 5

Continuing with my theme of being back on track, I am down to 191 this week. My biggest problem is occasional cravings for something delicious like a western bacon cheeseburger. I truly think fast food can become an addiction. I have read that it can take 21 days to truly break that addiction.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week 4

So it has been a little while since I have checked in with everyone, but I am back down to 193lbs. It was a rough start to the year, but I am still confident I'll meet my goal. The goal is 50lbs by December 31st (abs like Leann Rimes wouldn't hurt either).

Monday, January 17, 2011

Week 1: 192lbs
Week 2: 193lbs
Week 3: 194lbs


My Goal

Week 1

The Beginning

Every year starts with me making a promise to eat better ad exercise more. This rarely ever ends in successful weight loss. This year rather than just promise myself, I will promise the world through the use of a blog. I am calling this promise Chasing 10. Each week I will post my weight, good or bad.